To see a list of the deleted users run Get-MsolUser with the -ReturnDeletedUsers switch. For this task you will need the Azure Active Directory for PowerShell module installed on your computer.įirst, connect to your Azure Active Directory by running Connect-MsolService and entering your admin credentials in the dialog box that appears.Ĭaution: do not proceed unless you are completely sure that you want to permanently remove the users. However, if you want to permanently remove a deleted user in Office 365 you can use PowerShell. When you delete a user from the Office 365 control panel they are moved into a recycle bin for 30 days so that they can be recovered easily if the deletion was not intended. See the newer version for details about how to remove Azure AD user accounts using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.
The cmdlets below will be deprecated in March 2024. Locate the set of credentials that has either Outlookor Microsoft Officein the name and then expand the corresponding folder. Note:If 'View by' is set to Category, click User Accountsfirst, and then click Credential Manager. Note: A newer version of this article is available. Click Start> Control Panel> User Accounts> Credential Manager.